Haha that probably isn't fair isn't it... 84km is definitely a long walk but most of the walking memoirs I read are along the lines of 'I walked for three-six months and then I wrote this book'...
Gosh, I love a good walk. There's nothing like it. I don't know if I have a months-long trail in me though, so I'm very happy to read about others doing so!
Great write up and excellent recommendations as usual.
I can very much relate to David Sedaris and how getting a Fitbit can sorta warp your brain. Usually in a good way.... but still.
Also, since when has 84km not been a long walk?? I feel so inadequate now.
Haha that probably isn't fair isn't it... 84km is definitely a long walk but most of the walking memoirs I read are along the lines of 'I walked for three-six months and then I wrote this book'...
Oooo! So many interesting books! I must read Flaneuse! And Fig, of course. Who can resist walking and dogs!!
Not I! Although my fluffy boy prefers to take whoever is walking him for more of a drag down the street.
Gosh, I love a good walk. There's nothing like it. I don't know if I have a months-long trail in me though, so I'm very happy to read about others doing so!
Also enjoy reading about it but it does make me think hrmmm, maybe one day...!